Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Alright dear followers, here I am once again to update the old blog. Here we are Tuesday night, nothing to say and bored as hell. Anyone else impressed with the weather? I really am. So recently I've been trying to determine how much utilities would be on an apartment but to estimate that shit seems like its futile... I am planning on moving out of the parents house this summer, which will be insanely fun IMO and I can pretend that I'm mature. Well that's all for this evening I think, I'll be back later on this week with some content that people will actually enjoy and read.
 thats some impressive boat racing amirite?


  1. Why the hell is NASCAR so popular and this isn't?!?!?!


  2. That is incredible, I've never seen boat racing like this before.

  3. I would watch that over NASCAR any day

  4. Ya boat racing is awesome following to see more.

  5. ugh utility bills... you really can't guess what the first one will be but it usually stays around the same except electricity
