Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So it’s tuesday, I just took my last final, and now will resume blogging daily like I prefer to do. This weekend I hung out with my girlfriend which was really nice, we haven’t been dating long and rarely see each other so it was a welcome deviation from the drunken stupor that my weekends usually amount to. Anyways, I’ve seen a lot of funny shit from the net while I had this time off from blogging, unfortunately I managed to save only a couple things and most likely not the best of what I saw. Your first picture will be of my humble beginnings on the internet, or at least it was very similar.

Thanks to those who read ma shit.


  1. That was great, just showing my support :D

  2. The original is ridiculous if you haven't seen it.

    It's her, on that board, behind a shitty mate painting of a wave. I don't understand why anyone would want to take a picture like that, it just reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite...

  3. I have a few pics you might like on my blog today. Charlie sheen quotes, coupled with 'win with photoshop.' Enjoy.

  4. Congrats on finishing your finals!
    She looks like a pretty good internet guide.

  5. Hope your finals went well. Good to have you back on a regular basis

  6. Hope you did good on your finals!

  7. Hope those went well and that person looks trustworthy enough to follow.
